Sometime over the last year or two, writing went from being my hobby to being something more of a vocation. It's not because I started making money at it (I haven't really...yet), but I committed to it in a way that made it somehow different. I set goals, objectives, and timelines. I started investing more time, and more-than-just my time, in it; I'm spending money to attend conferences and workshops; I've joined writer organizations; and I'm querying my work to agents. You know, stuff that makes it feel more like a legit, budding career.
It's great and I'm happy with the path I'm on with my writing. I'm growing and developing and really loving it. BUT, what used to be just a creative outlet for me is now somehow changed. And that change left a little hole in my creative brain space. I realize now that I need a creative outlet that is about nothing more than relaxing, enjoying, and creating. No real goals or objectives or timelines. Just joy.
Enter: Painting.
Is that weird? Is that just me?
Anyway, that all finally changed earlier this year. I can't explain exactly how it happened; a confluence of events, like most things, I suppose. This change with my writing work + the inspiration of others + an online art class + one of those moments when the light bulb just finally goes off. Whatever it was, something clicked and, like an epiphany, I suddenly understood the idea of #artplay.
What started out as a way to unlock my writing-- something I call #Creativitycrosstraining-- has just plain taken over. I find sitting down on my art mat the most engaging and relaxing thing I can do. It's like soul yoga--bending, stretching, breathing, relaxing for my spirit. It is a meditative practice and I just love it.
Juliette taught me to loosen up and play. She taught me that art is a layering process, just like writing. You don't sit down and paint a masterpiece in one perfect try; you layer. If you don't like something, go over it again; change it. Like revisions in writing. White paint erases most anything.
Sometimes I actually follow along like an art class, but a lot of times I use the videos to get me started and then just let them play in the background while I create. I like being in the company of other creators; like when my writing friends and I do's an art-in, but on my dining room floor.
The point of all of this is to say that I found something that I really enjoy; something that I'm doing for no real purpose, other than to enjoy myself; and I think that's really important. Our lives are so full of to-do's and must-do's and have-to's. We need things in our lives that exist in a place of pure joy.
You can follow my creative life (and see my paintings--and book reco's-- on the regular) on Instagram @bookwormanista here:
* If you're interested in exploring your inner artist, I highly recommend Juliette Crane's online art classes: If you're local to the Hershey area, also check out Splat Studio in Annville:; new class offerings are always in the works there...or just come over to my dining room floor and paint with me. :-)
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