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Name Your Doubt and then Banish it!

A quick little post for you all today, simply because I read this great idea in a NaNoWriMo pep talk from author Kami Garcia and I wanted to share it...

First, let me say that day after tomorrow, November 1, is the kick-off of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) for 2014! I am both excited and terrified. Last year was my first year participating and I didn't quite make it halfway to the 50,000 word goal (I landed somewhere around 21,000 words). It was still a huge success for me since otherwise I would have written zero words, but I let life get in the way of getting my word count in. And, to be honest, to don't feel any better prepared this year to keep that from happening again. But I will give it the old college try!

Wish me luck!

Anyway, as a part of NaNoWriMo various authors send out these (usually awesome) pep talks to all the participating writers to get/keep them energized and inspired to reach their 50,000 word goal. Well, the first pep talk was sent out this week, as we gear-up to start. It was from author Kami Garcia and she wrote about this idea that was both new to me and fascinating/awesome: naming your doubt. 

We all have the voice of a doubter in our heads. A voice that plays on our insecurities and self-consciousness and self-doubt. A voice that tries with all its might to keep us from our heart's desire. A voice that makes us question our abilities and worth. And often times that voice sounds like our own. But it's not. And we need to make that much clearer to ourselves. If we can differentiate ourselves from that nasty little voice, then we can banish that voice.

So give it a name. That's what Kami suggests. And I think it's a great idea. Kami named hers Ozzy. I named mine Jason. (I honestly have no idea why.) But now, when that little voice starts harassing me writing, my parenting, my looks...whatever it is, I can tell that it's not me. It's just a hater. His name is Jason. And he's an asshole.

Shut up, Jason. Go away. You're a jerk.

Now that doubt has a name, I can block his calls. I can banish him. I can ignore him like I would any hater I'd encounter outside my own head. He can talk to the hand. (Right now he's telling me that nobody says "Talk to the hand" anymore. So I gave him the finger and asked if people still do that. Man, that guy's a dick.)

So, name your doubt. Then banish it. Leave that hater behind and go do whatever your heart desires.

I'm gonna go write 50,000 words.

Until next time, keep on keepin' on. Peace out.


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