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A Mother's Meditation: Read This To Yourself Everyday, Mama. It's My Valentine To You.

Happy Valentine's Day Friends!

I was reminded by someone this morning that Valentine's Day is a romantic day for couples to celebrate their love. I've been so focused on Valentine's with my kids, that I forgot that lots of people think of it that way. I guess I thought of it that way before I had kids. Especially during the years I was single. But now I think of it as a day to show love to everybody. I am focused on showing love to my kids and my husband and whoever I come into contact with. That means starting the day with chocolate chip Valentine pancakes and mystery Valentines for the kids, and extra treats for the dog too! It's also a great day to remember to show a little love to ourselves too (like a yummy cup of coffee and an hour at the coffeshop for me!). And I'm focused on teaching my kids to show their love to others. (We've been in crazy crafting mode for the last two weeks to show our love to othersā€¦for some reason Valentine's Day really brings it out in me. I don't know why, but I love it.)

Anyway, my way of showing you all a little love today is to share something with you that I just discovered and really loved.

Last weekend I went to a mom workshop led by a local blogger that I follow. And while the workshop was a bit of a mixed bag of good and not-so-good, one of my favorite take-aways was this Mother's Meditation that she shared with us. It's a perfect break for moms any day, but especially helpful on those particularly crazy days when you feel you're losing your grip (and maybe losing your patience, getting short with the kids, and yelling).

So, fellow moms, take a moment and read this to yourselves and find a little peace and focus in your crazy, love-filled day. (Or find an audio recording of it here: and listen to it.) And then pull it back out whenever you need a little piece of peace.

A Mother's Meditation by Meghan Nathanson

I quiet my mind with a deep, stilling breath. And then another. I sit in the emptiness and experience myself, the light in me, perhaps for the first time today. I am quiet. All of the sounds and emotions of my day fall away. I greet myself gently and forgive myself the moments when I was not the Mother I hope to be. I value myself for the moments when I was. I envision a circle of light washing over me, filling me back up with all of the love and energy that I put into caring for my children today. My mind is clear. My heart is happy. I have energy. I have confidence. I have joy. I breathe deeply once again, shedding all negative thoughts. I let go of the way I believe things should be and feel peace with what is. I experience my children's beautiful, sparkling eyes in my mind and see them as if for the first time. I invite their spirit to join with mine and together we give thanks for the miracle of our perfect union. I trust that we were brought together perfectly and that we have so much to learn from one another. I sit in this beautiful place and allow my breath to heal any pain I might have felt in my experience as a Mother today or on any other day. I come to a place where I may begin again in wholeness. A deep love comes over me. With my breath I find my rhythm again. I find a pace for my words and actions that allows me to meet each moment with grace and presence. Beauty enters. And nature. I know that I will treat my children with greater gentleness. I will hear their words. I will smile at them and invite their thoughts into my heart. All that they are will be safe and respected with me. As I come to the end of this quiet moment I take another healing breath and see myself with the same love that I feel for my children. The love I share with my children each day showers me right now. I feel peace. I feel energized for the days to come. I feel alive and ready to give.

Until next time, go forth with mindfulness and gratitude; go forth with love, my valentinesā€¦and Namaste to you.


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