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Showing posts from March, 2024

Climbing Menopause Mountain

Welcome to Menopause Mountain, and the Menopause Triad (PeriMenopause + Menopause + PostMenopause). This phase of life for woman can begin as early as 35 (though 40-45 is more typical) and basically lasts until you're dead. Yay! As I have moved through adulthood, I found our culture has talked of this thing called Menopause as though it's the flipping of a switch. One day you're a regular, child-bearing-capable woman, and the next you've hit Menopause and life is over. But that's not even close to the truth. First of all, life isn't over at Menopause. Life metamorphasizes at Menopause. A woman's life becomes something new and different.  And second, it is definitely not at the flip of a switch!  I've decided to think about this as a journey. Like Bilbo Baggins of Hobbit fame, I was all but dragged from my cozy, humble homeostasis into a perilous adventure. Unlike Bilbo Baggins, I wouldn't be slaying orcs or getting lost in caverns. No, I would be cli...


I turned 50 a few days ago. A turning of the page that I have dreaded since I initially found 40 a more difficult than expected milestone. But as I neared "the big day", I found myself unable to muster a whole lot of bluster for the event. Thanks to the roller coaster of good and bad that has been my late 40s (here's looking at you, Covid Shutdown and MF'ing Perimenopause...but also moving and kids growing up), I've found a new perspective on life. One that has little to do with that years gone by, the force of gravity on my body's mass (aka, my weight), the amount of accomplishments and money I've accrued, or any other number we're told to worry about.  So, though it's been a long time since I've used this platform, I thought I'd share a few things I've learned...Both for the camaraderie (you are not alone!) and the edification of those coming up the years-ladder behind me and who may be a little wary of the BIG 5-0 rung. ...